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Recent Blog Items:

Powerful Legal Tools:

NetActuary has commenced a major project, co-ordinated by Claire, to provide lawyers with a suite of relevant, powerful calculators and automated reports. ---> More Info

Welcome End to Legacy Pensions:

The release of the draft regulations to allow these legacy pensions, that are no longer fit for purpose or the age the pensioners, is most welcome. ---> More Info

Testator Family Maintenance Claims:

A more detailed actuarial quantification of financial needs can enhance the probability of a successful outcome with Testator Family Maintenance Claims. ---> More Info

No Fee Increase in 2024-25:

NetActuary is very pleased to announce another year in which there has been no fee increase to our usual actuarial and computational support services for lawyers in Family Law, Personal Injury and Testamentary matters. ---> More Info

National Redress Scheme:

As an alternative to a civil claim for childhood sexual abuse, this blog item details the option of a National Redress Scheme claim. It details some of the advantages and limitations of this course of action. ---> More Info

Historical Child Abuse Claims:

The removal of Statute of Limitation on childhood sexual abuse claims is causing a sharp rise in the number of these claims. This blog item comments up the why this area is esoteric. ---> More Info

Welcome Claire and 2023-24:

We are delighted to welcome Claire, a fully qualified lawyer, to the staff at NetActuary. Also to help clients fight inflation, all our main reports have no fee increase for 2023-24. ---> More Info

Actuaries Institute Australia - 125 Years Young:

The Institute of Actuaries of Australi celebrates this month the experiences, moments and milestones that shaped the profession over the past 125 years and created the Institute we know today. ---> More Info

Military Super Invalidity Pensions:

Besides reporting recent Court case developments with Military Super invalidity pensions, this blog comments upon the issues from a Family Law and an actuarial perspective. ---> More Info

ECPI Comparative Analysis Example 1:

This blog shows the results from an ECPI comparative analysis where the driving factors are some contributions and an usual special BHP share distribution. No capital gains or losses are involved. ---> More Info

Super Accrued During Relationship:

Simplying deducting the Family Law value of a superannuation entitlement at the start of the relationship from the current value gives a wrong estimate of what accrued during the relationship. ---> More Info

Age Pension Increased Thresholds:

The new Age Pension thresholds that apply from 1st July 2022 have been announced. ---> More Info

Beyond ECPI Deemed Segregation Comparisons:

Trustees will be well aware that this financial year they will need to make a choice between two different ECPI calculation methods if deemed segregation applies. This article looks at other aspects that will also need to be considered, especially income and expense allocation and deductions. ---> More Info

Australian Family Law and UK Pensions:

This article considers how to include UK pension entitlements in the matrimonial property pool of assets for Australian Family Law financial settlements. ---> More Info

Should Actuarial Morality Assumptions Be Modified:

Covid 19 deaths in Australia do not current show a need to modify morality assumptions used in various tasks we undertake for lawyers, accountants and financial planners. ---> More Info

Fox -V- Wood Claims

With workers compensation lump sum awards, NetActuary can assist with a Fox versus Wood type taxation difference claim. If relevant it is included as standard in the exconomic loss report. ---> More Info

No 2021-22 Fee Increase:

NetActuary will not be increasing any of its fees for the 2021/22 financial year! Rather, we will use a combination of service focus and increased productivity to create a win-win of profitability and modest fees. ---> More Info

NetActuary P/L ABN 94108585164
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PO Box 750, Sandy Bay, Tas, 7006
Email: Mail@NetActuary.com.au
Direct Telephone: (03) 9028 5002