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NetActuary is very pleased to announce that there will be no fee increase in 2024-25 for our usual actuarial and computational support services for lawyers in Family Law; Personal Injury and Testamentary matters. This is the fourth year in a row that we have frozen fees. That is possible because of significant increases in the volume of work we undertake, and also due to the fact that we continually enhance our processing tools and procedures.


The 2024-25 fees are:

Family Law Superannuation Valuation $385
Personal Injury Economic Loss$440
Life and Remainder Interests$330
Family Provision Claims$374
All the fees above are inclusive of GST

NetActuary, with the expansion to having both an in-house actuary and lawyer, has sharpened its focus exclusively on support services for lawyers. Our aim is to provide lawyers with tools and options they have never conveniently had before. In Family Law, this includes the ability to provide clients with information such as what part of the current value of the superannuation entitlement accrued during the relationship if it is less than the fund membership. In Tort law, we are providing the ability to use a far more sophisticated approach than just actuarial factors. In addition we have researched in depth, the computational requirements of child abuse claims where a common law claim is preferred to the National Redress Scheme. In Testamentary matters, we have built a calculator that shows needs in Family Provision claims. It takes Age Pension entitlements into account and increases the likelihood of a successful claim.

Increasingly we will make this technology directly available to legal practitioners. The aim is to have results available immediately 24 hours a day without compromising the ability to have it reviewed by an actuary and a report signed off. With matters that don't get settled before a Court hearing we are available to appear as an expert witness.

NetActuary P/L ABN 94108585164
3/19a Hunter St, Hobart, Tas, 7000
PO Box 750, Sandy Bay, Tas, 7006
Email: Mail@NetActuary.com.au
Direct Telephone: (03) 9028 5002