
Minimum Required Pension 

Account Based Pension Ver2021.2.au 

Data Input:


Date of Birth:             

Pension Start/Review:

Pension Ac Balance:  


The minimum pension to be paid in the financial year is worked out by multiplying the member's pension account balance by a percentage factor for the relevant age. The percentage factors vary from 4% for ages under 64 in steps to 14% for those aged 95 or older (there are some special post GFC and Covid-19 reductions). The result is rounded to the nearest $10 but we suggest a higher amount is paid to be confident the requirement is met. Where the pension commences after 1 July in a year, the minimum payment for the first year is calculated proportionally. No minimum pension payment is required if the commencement is after the 1st of June.


  The minimum required pension is: $

  Based on the following
  Pension Factor:
  Perc of Year:  
  Unrounded Value:

  Print Settings: Landscape; Scale 75%.

  Powered by NetActuary. The responsibility to check the accuracy and appropriateness of the result remains with the user as a condition of use.