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Income Stream Payments  

Income Stream Payments

The tax free component is not assessable income and not exempt income in all cases.


Age of Recipient Taxed Element Untaxed Element
Age 60 and over Not assessable, not exempt Taxed at marginal rate with 10% offset
At or above preservation age and under 60 Taxed at marginal tax rates
Tax offset of 15%
Taxed at marginal rates
No tax offset
Under preservation age Taxed at marginal tax rates
No 15% tax offset unless disability benefit
Taxed at marginal tax rates
No tax offset


Medicare levy added.

Capped defined benefit income streams

Capped defined benefit income streams have special rules for the $1.6m transfer cap recognising their non-commutable nature. The credit value is determined by multiplying the annual entitlement by a factor of 16. Life expectancy and market-linked have their transfer cap credit value determined by multiplying the annual entitlement by the remaining term. Where the value is in excess of the cap it will not give arise to excess transfer tax but instead will attract additional tax on the income stream.

NetActuary P/L ABN 94108585164
3/19a Hunter Street, Hobart Tas 7000
PO Box 750, Sandy Bay Tas 7006
Email: Brian@NetActuary.com.au
Direct Telephone: (03) 9028 5002